My Spirit Animal — The Dragon.
Because, who doesn’t love a good story with a dragon in it?
So apparently, yes, it is a thing. People have dragon companions. I too, have one!
My client came in with her list of questions (Let’s call her, Sally. Pseudonym.) And one of the questions we asked was regarding her dragon.
When we jumped into the session, we were immediately shown scenes of her current life. One of the misconceptions people may have regarding a QHHT session is that they always jump into a past life. Not true.
There’s nothing ‘typical’ about any session, and each is very personal and profound to the individual person.
The subconscious (SC) shows them what they need to see, in order to benefit their current lifetime.
The SC brought up current images of Sally’s life because she has MAGIC in her. And the SC wanted to remind her of her magic.
Sometimes, when we grow up. We tend to forget that magic or question it away, push it aside, perhaps even judge it, or question if it’s real or not. Not saying either of these are the case for Sally, but wanted to provide some examples of why people may do this.
“All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
And so, the SC wanted to remind Sally of her magic by taking her back to her childhood.
It was a scene during classroom nap time, Sally saw the light.
Like, little flashes of light around her and it turns out they, the balls of light were her protectors. Some were her ancestors guiding and protecting her.
When we reached the question regarding Sally’s earliest memory of her dragon. This is what we discovered:
Pam: One of her kids (Sally’s child) was talking about, she could see her Mum’s dragon. And Sally is really wanting to open up her gifts so she can start seeing them again. Does the dragon have a name?
Sally: (Long Pause — sometimes this happens when the SC goes through the records [Akashic records] and reports back.) Cirrus.
Pam: Sirius? (I was thinking about the brightest star in our night sky.) Or Sirus?
Sally: Cirrus.
Pam: Cirrus (thought it sounded like a cool name, any dragon would be proud of that name. I still didn’t catch the reference until the client advised me after the session what it meant.) That is a cool name. And what does Cirrus look like? What color is Cirrus?
Sally: (Pause.) Turquoise.
Pam: Wow, that’s a cool color. Is Cirrus male, female, does it matter? (for a dragon species.)
Sally: It’s male.
Pam: Okay, and does Cirrus have scales?
Sally: Yes.
Pam: Does he shine or shimmer? And does the color of his skin, shine?
Sally: No.
Pam: So, he’s more like a mat ….
Sally: Yes.
Pam: And what does his face look like?
Sally: Kind.
Pam: Kind, okay. Does he have colorful eyes, what color are his eyes?
Sally: Gold.
Pam: Gold! Gold eyes, wow, okay. (Honestly, I become like a kid in this sessions and my inner child was like dragon! Where, I want to see!) So he’s turquoise, with a very kind face. And gold eyes. Does he have like, any like whiskers or mustache or something on his face.
Sally: No reply.
Pam: Any feathers, hands or arms. What does his body look like?
Sally: It’s big, it’s really big. He has a big body.
Pam: (Laughs.) How big is he?
Sally: (Takes a deep breath. This happens when the client is dropping down more into their SC.) Hmmm….
Pam: Is he like, big-big? (That’s an actual measurement, go look it up.)
Sally: It’s hard to describe, he’s so big.
Pam: Okay. Well that’s big. Now, how does Sally know Cirrus? How do they know each other? (I wanted to know if they met in a past life, childhood.)
Sally: Since she was little.
Pam: Awwee. (Getting sentimental.) So he used to visit her when she was a little girl?
Sally: Yes.
Pam: And did he talk to her? Was he protecting her? What were the things that…how was the relationship like?
Sally: Reassuring safety.
Pam: And is he with her often?
Sally: Always.
Pam: Always. (I repeat things at times, so they can hear the message back clearly.) Is there anyway Sally can talk to him now, in adulthood? (this was one of the questions, was how to reconnect with her magic again so she can be able to see them again.)
Sally: (Deep breath.) She just has to ask. (I get this a lot from the SC, they have to ask. This is a free will planet, and you have to ask. As they say — Ask and it is given.)
Pam: And can she call out his name and that will help?
Sally: Yes.
Pam: Okay. And how will she know when she is connected with him? Will she see an image of him? Will it be a feeling?
Sally: A sign.
Pam: A sign?
Sally: Um-hmm.
Pam: So Cirrus will give her a sign, that he’s there?
Sally: In the clouds.
Pam: Perfect. Okay. Thank you. That is amazing. Can she also draw him?
Sally: Yes.
Pam: Okay.
That’s pretty magical isn’t it?
Those who don’t believe in magic, will never find it. – Roald Dahl
Sometimes clients ask, “Did I make that up?”
And my reply is, how can somebody fake an emotion?
I’ve literally had clients, for example, regress back in time to an experience in a past life, in order to release an emotion. Because once the emotion is acknowledged, it can be released. And you can’t fake an emotion.
You can’t make up these stories either. The way people describe things, in detail. It’s vivid.
Okay so back to the story, first I thought she meant Sirius. But the client corrected me during the hypnosis saying, Cirrus.
I still didn’t get the reference until our post session interview to re-cap the session highlights. When she advised me, it’s a type of cloud.
I thought wow, you can’t even make this up. It sounds like a dragon’s name, and named after a cloud.
It’s at that moment I thought, oh when Sally looks up at the cloud (as her dragon advised,) she will see him. And she gets to connect to with him, anytime. Exactly like he mentioned.
Imagination is the conduit to the Higher Realms.
Remember that, that’s how they speak to you.
They have no limits or boundaries.
Only the ones we place on ourselves.
With love and unwavering friendship,
Pamela N Singh
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to protect the identity and privacy of the clients involved in these sessions. Only first names have been used, and these have changed along with the gender of the client.
Cover Image – Stock photo of 1910 Illustration Fairy Tale Prince and Dragon by Warwick Goble. No copyright infringement intended.
GIF image via Game of Thrones.
Gif Image: From movie Brave, by Disney.
Image of dragons cooking by Quentin Blake. He illustrated all of Roald Dahl’s books.
Second Dragon Cloud Image, credit unknown. No copyright infringement intended.