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Well, I’m not a fan of HOW TO GUIDE’s but basic guidelines or rules of play…I am okay with!

Sometimes when you Astral Project, or what people call, Astral Travel, you are quite LITERALLY projecting YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into ANOTHER REALITY! How f**king cool is that?!

Into another Plane!

Yes, a Plane! Isn’t it funny how a plane belongs to the ‘air’ plane. And boats belong to the ‘water’ plane and each layer overlaps one another? Like two mediums on a canvas? Yet, it’s all a part of the same painting?

But, I digress.

Before I get into any of this, it’s important to remember what your ‘Operating System’ is made out of.  Because if you are holding onto a construct that no longer serves you, you will be shown that your current system is out of date and needs ‘upgrading.’

So, for your operating system to astral travel …

You must understand —>Consciousness has no boundaries. It is without edges or curves, yet has its own reality bubble. Paradoxical right? I thought so too!

How could something that be so full, with all, and yet…consciousness has autonomy?

Meaning, All That Is, is within Everything and Everyone. Yet, everyone and everything, is autonomous with all that is…Are there really various degrees of separation yet the illusion of separation was created so we can experience our own autonomy?

Again, I digress!  ? 

Now let’s just get on to the good juicy stories! Shall we!

Do you want me to talk about Quantum Entanglement to demonstrate the quote above? About how that which you do to one particle, affects another particle in a different space x time continuum, even though they are degrees apart? No? Okay good, neither do I. Plus that field is about to blow up soon with more ‘trippy stories.’

But here’s a Wiki Definition if mine doesn’t do it for you:

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle can not be described independently of the state of the other(s), even when the particles are separated by a large distance—instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.

Right, let’s get cracking shall we…here’s how!!!!

Step 1: 

Don’t drive while you’re doing this! Trust me. You’re not going to be ‘focused’ in your body because your vision will ‘focus’ elsewhere. Like a camera lens, you’re about to go into other worlds.

How can I describe this experience for you?… Well let’s see. When I focus my consciousness elsewhere, my VISION ‘here’ becomes BLURRY!

Did you get that? Let me say it again.

My vision gets blurry here!

Because the PUPILS of my EYES; the ‘BLACK HOLES’ of my EYES, enter into another realm, via another BLACK HOLE of eyes or space x time reality continuum.

So I ‘tune’ gently out of an identity I call Pam, yet STILL BEING PAM! I enter into another reality. Some people see this as floating, or an out of body experience. This rainbow here on the eyes, shows the spectrum of light your body emulates and is made out of! To me, we are all walking, talking, dancing rainbows!

But yes, I digress …

I see this exercise as remote viewing. And just so you know, what I’m about to say is REALLY BIG HERE…

The ‘observer’ knows s/he or they are being watched AND that you are now A PART of THEIR WORLD, as THEY ARE NOW A PART OF YOURS –> IN THAT MOMENT! ?

You’re basically going on vacation, that’s all! Entering new countries and continents so to speak, like an explorer! And viewing and looking at new cool things! New cultures! New civilizations!

So this COULD mean for you, waking up to another version of yourself!

Like the avatar scene where he projects his consciousness into another being’s body. You wake up in another realm…ah yah….that can happen too! A parallel reality version of you!

This is what most Spiritual Gangsters refer to as: You are multi-faceted beings! (Delores Cannon touched on this as well! But, I digress!)

Whether Star Nations or humans. Just remember, Quote above ladies and gents!

That version of you has autonomy! It’s NOT YOU per se because it has autonomy, makes different choices, lives a different life! Just remember, if I am you, you are me, then you truly are simply ‘waking up to yourself’ right? Quote above! Paradox!

I have literally walked down streets and all of a sudden. My eyes will, temporarily, go blurry. By the way, I have perfect vision!

Anyway, that’s when it almost feels like a bubble appears and I can remote view so to speak into other worlds! But it’s not ‘over there.’ It’s right here in front of my face!

A few inches off the ground, as if someone just painted another world in front of me!

So far so good?… Really fun right?

I visit, pleasant, high vibrational beings! I hold out my hand, and it’s like we almost touch. Their world, crashes into mine, and via fingertips, we reach within our own reality bubbles, … and somehow they intertwine so to say. Or vesica pisces, meaning my world overlaps with theirs and we somehow join in the middle!

It feels like, rain water. As in a ripple effect when we touch fingertips. Our fingertips are like, data information transfer centres. This experience lasted for seconds but felt like minutes!

Might I add, I walked for HOURS, literally 3-4 hours prior to this, meditating. So meditation is GOOD. It’s Mandatory I would say. It GROUNDS YOU!

As you ‘rise above’ you must ‘ground below.’


You’re all electro-magnetic sacred circuitry systems walking around so GROUND YO’ SELF! ?

Step 2:

Usually when visiting higher realms, or places like that, you may get messages! Listen to them! Interact! DISCERN! Use your own judgement!

It may feel like you have stepped into a fantasy novel or a Sci-Fi flick. And that’s okay! Be okay with that! Be an explorer of your own mind!

You get to define this experience however and whichever way you want that makes sense to you! And whatever you are conformable with! That’s your job, not mine.

When you do these exercises, lay down and set an intention. Let go of any expectation. Just be in receiving mode, meaning be in a GOOD FEELING PLACE! Or ask for help on something. And see what messages get delivered.

Everything is always your choice. Which leads me to Step 3.

Step 3:

Write that shit down! Write whatever it is you saw, read, observed, whatever! Write it down! Put it to pen and paper. V-log it ? Journal it! and that helps you GROUND YOURSELF on EARTH! Or whatever Planet you think you’re from! Did you get new ideas? A new perspective? Do you feel better? Lighter? You’re not the same after this! You’re MORE OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE! A f**king walking dimension that beats through your heart’s code!


  • Drink plenty of water!
  • Remember to ‘insert yourself back’ into this reality: talk to your friends, play sports, do the day to day things that are so AMAZING here on EARTH! Remember you have an identity here and you came here for a reason – so go play and be FABULOUS YOU!
  • Eat Healthy. Sometimes, for me, I kid you not, to ground myself, I used to eat carbs as it helped my body feel ‘heavy.’ Now I just lay on the grass barefoot and look up into the clouds and ask myself: What does that cloud look like? And I give my shoutout to Gaia – Mother Earth ?
  • Laugh a lot, play with your friends, walk, run, garden, watch a good movie, sing, dance, make love, ask yourself doesn’t it feel good to FEEL ALIVE? and SO IT IS! Do your gift here on Earth, whatever that is and express yourself to the fullest!

I believe there are many beings, guides, angels, whatever it is YOU want to call them, assisting you in these transformational times through these…radical changes of Earth. So stay grounded, ask for help whenever you need it, and be ready to receive. And just observe and take in all this beauty. And go do your ‘work’ whatever that is for you and makes you come alive!

Be the observer of your life, so you can be the activator of it!

It’s one thing to be in observe mode, another to be the player. So go play!

Because the infinity part of you that projected you onto this planet…well, she/he/they/all/one whatever it is YOU want to call it, came here to explore and expand itself in JOY!

So have a FUCKING GOOD TIME while you’re here!

Happy Astral travelling everyone! Well, more dimensional traveling ?

And remember, BECAUSE OF YOU, I GROW! and Vice Versa ?

Hugs XO


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