The Witch They Could Not Burn: A Past Life Regression


Many of us are all too familiar with the stories of the witch persecutions.

And the all too famous, Salem witch trails along with the trails held in Europe, and around the world.

The witch hunts were a world wide phenomena, usually trialed by the church to either burn down or drown, those who were accused of being witches.

It’s a terrible time in our history.

Some examples reported by a science historian, are as follows:


“In June of 1510, sixty-four women and men were burned at the stake in Val Camonica, Italy, for causing drought and fires and for harming people, animals and land.

“In July of 1518, sixty women and men were burned at the stake in Breto, Italy, for triggering thunder and lightning and for causing sickness and death of nearly 200 people.

“In June of 1582, the wife of an English sawyer named Alice Glosscock from the town of Chelmsford was stripped naked and her body searched for ‘the marks of a witch,’ which were found, leading to her conviction and execution.”


And yet, I find we are so fascinated by these times in history.

I am learning in my practice, that even though some may have tried to burn them, or mass murder societies out, the souls come back.

I believe, some return to have their voices heard and their stories told through their eyes. For their own justice and also, their own peace.

And so, I dedicate this post, to the witch they could not burn. The one who came back to tell her story, her way.

The setting started off with the client regressing back to a time where she was standing on a field.

Let’s call this client Rebecca (pseudonym.)

She stood on a grassy field. It was sunny out, she could hear the breeze and a river flowing from behind the large cliff. She wore a long gown, that grazed her ankles. And she wore a crown on her head, a crown made of white flowers which she hand picked probably from this same very field she was standing on. She was only a teenager.

We then traveled to where she lived, in a humble cottage in what appeared to be the woods.

It was a log-like cabin. Made of wood, one bedroom. A cozy fireplace lit to keep her warm. A table, sink. And a flickering candle light.

She had a cow on her property. And sheep, lots of sheep where she would gather the wool. For me, she sounded well off, her and her family in this particular time period.

Now we move forward to an important day.

She is standing at a parade. There are soldiers. A big crowd gathered in this parade. She felt lost in the crowd. She couldn’t breath. She felt like she was suffocating.

She felt alone, abandoned and lost.

There were families and little kids around, but I wondered about hers. And this is where, her story begins.

Rebecca: They left me behind. They left me behind.

P: And who are they, that they left you? Would this be your family, do you have a family?

R: Yes.

P: Describe your family?

R: (Pause.) Mother, father. A little brother and sister.

P: And where are they now, while you’re in the parade?

R: I don’t know, they didn’t want me, they left me there.

P: So you live alone in that house, do you have a partner or someone with you, other then the animals?

R: I’m alone.

We left this scene, and moved forward to another significant day that her SC – Subconscious, wanted to bring forth.

R: Dark skies, stars. Bright moon.

P: What colors is the moon?

R: Bright yellow.

P: Are you looking up at the moon?

R: I’m dancing around a fire.

P: And what are you wearing, as you are dancing around the fire? Clothing… (We ask clothing questions to get a time period as much as possible.)

R: Nothing.

P: (Laughs.) Is there anyone else with you?

R: Other women.

P: And how do you feel, is it a circle around the fire?

R: Yes, we are dancing in a circle, the moon is full. We are celebrating.

P: (Finally clicked in, full moon festival but I didn’t say it to not influence the client.) Oh, it’s a … okay is this a festival?

R: We……..worshiping the moon.

P: Um-hmm…And the women around you, who are they? How do they feel about them, do they feel familiar?

R: Yes.

P: Can you describe to me what’s happening?

R: We are celebrating the start of a season. Harvest season.

P: Do you have anything around you?

R: We made dolls or idols. We made things.

P: And this is to celebrate the full moon or the harvest?

R: Yes.

P: Can you describe one of the dolls you made?

R: It’s a female, black hair, wool. Burlap dress. Fertility, I feel fertility. (Fertility dolls are common among many cultures, given as gifts to assist woman with childbirth.)

P: So it’s like a woman’s event or gathering?

R: We’re witches.

P: Witches! (Excited. I always wanted to meet/interview a witch.) Okay. And what else do you do for your full moon ceremony, how many other women are there?

R: There’s five of us.

P: Are they like your sisters or close friends?

R: We are all friends, two have dark hair. One has red. Blonde hair. (Pause. This usually happens, when they pause they are gathering more information.)

P: And yourself, what color is your hair? Is it long or short?

R: It’s looong hair.

P: And what color is it?


P: Red! Is it curly or straight?

R: It’s curly.

P: Wow, so red, curly, hair. And you’re going around the fire?


R: Yes, rubbing mud on ourselves. Paint.

P: Do you eat, or do you, at the ceremony?

R: Wild boar. We caught it.

P: Wow, so one of the women caught a wild boar. That must be quite the event. Is there anything else you would like to share with me, as the day goes by?

R: That was the last we celebrated.

The tone changed after this, it felt very sad. For all of us, I knew something unpleasant was coming.

P: Okay.

R: They came to get us.

P: Okay, and who came to get you?

R: Guards or soldiers.

P: Is that why you felt uncomfortable during the parade? Were those the same kind of guards or soldiers?

R: Yes, we were all taken and separated.

P: Hmm…and why did they do that?

R: They think we’re evil.

P: But you’re just celebrating the seasons and the harvest, how is that … there’s nothing (I laughed, at the stupidity of humans here, forgive me) .. they didn’t understand that?

R: No, they didn’t understand that.

P: Okay, so what did they do next after they separated you guys,….(corrected myself) women?

R: They put me in a dark, stone cellar. (Very, long pause.) They gave me stale, moldy bread. And water.

P: Are there any windows in the cellar?

R: One, one tiny window. It’s dark.

P: You must have felt, alone.

R: Yes.

P: Did you try to at least talk to the man and explain that….did they not understand?

R: No….(Pause.) They’re going to kill me. (Getting emotional, starts to cry.) They are going to tie me up and burn me. They don’t believe me. They are calling me evil. They beat me, they tied me up. They are coming at me with fire.

I took the client away from this scene so she doesn’t have to experience the death experience as if she is going through it, clients can observe what is going on, from the other side without having to go through it again.

R: They said I was bad, I’m evil. (That) I’m a dark witch. It’s not true, I’m a healer.

P: Yah.

R: They think my healing, my powers are for bad. And to hurt. (None of this was true. But this is what they did back then, was make accusations and that was enough to get you burned at the stake. It was here, when I had her describe her last day.)

R: I’m in the middle of the town, there are people gathered around. They tied me to a post.

P: Okay.

R: I’m not wearing any clothes.

P: Okay, and then what happens.

R: They are coming at me with torches.

P: What about the other women you were with, do you see them around?

R: They’re beside me, I’m in the middle. They are screaming, we’re all screaming.

Again, I remind the client they don’t have to go through the event, but to just describe what happens next. It is very important we review their last day, to see if they are carrying anything over from that event, into their present lifetime.

R: They lit us at our feet. One by one, they lit us.

P: Okay so they burned the bodies, correct?

R: They burned us alive.

So now that, that life was over. It was time to ask, what was the purpose of that life.

R: People don’t see the good I do. They judged me, they judged me. I wasn’t dark and evil. I was healing.

P: Were you healing people in the village?

R: Yes.

P: And how did you do that?

R: I made potions.

P: And what were in the potions?

R: Herbs.

P: Can you describe to me a time when you helped somebody? With the herbs? (i.e. – Potions.)

R: There was a little boy, he hurt himself. I applied, my potion. He healed.

P: Well that’s pretty fantastic work that you did.

R: They didn’t like it. He was suppose to die.

P: Well, why didn’t they like that? When you’re helping to heal people?

R: Humans of this world could not perform such miracles.

P: They were taught that, though right?

R: Yes. Somebody was jealous of me.

P: And who was that?

R: It was another woman…

P: Was it another witch?

R: Yes.

P: So why was the other woman jealous of you, that you get to heal all these (epiphany) oh, so that’s why…

R: She didn’t want to help, she wanted to harm.

P: Oh, okay. (Her story was starting to unravel now.) So the other witch wanted to harm people, and you wanted to help people.

R: Yes. Yes.

P: So when the little boy healed, the parent or guardian must have thanked you, did they try to protect you at least, as in, was this something not talked about?

I wanted to know, who called her out as a witch. Someone made an accusation about her being a witch, and I had to find out who that was.

R: They needed to save themselves, they denounced me.

P: Was there a trial?

R: (A confident.) YES.


P: Can you take me to the time of the trail and describe to me what’s happening during the trail. Somebody must have said something right, I mean, how did they find out that … you were healing people.

R: She made a lie, that I tried to sleep with her husband. I tried too, I tried to seduce him. I cast an evil spell. He wanted to have relations with me, for helping the child. They accused me of casting a spell and turning him.

P: I see, so this man had feelings for you?

R: Yes.

P: Ok. Because you helped his son?

R: Yes. He saw the good. His wife was friends with the evil witch.

P: Tell me more.

R: She brain washed his wife, that I was out to harm the child, not heal.

P: Ohhh, okay. Than what happened?

R: She turned the wife against him. They took him.

P: The boy or husband?

R: Husband. They accused him of adultery, and how he was poisoned by me.

P: Why did you poison him?

R: I didn’t. Tried to love him. They said I poisoned him. He died.

It was later after the session, when I slipped and said you were beheaded for some reason. That the client said, that was it, that was how they killed him, the husband. They beheaded him.

P: How did he die then?

R: Evil witch.

P: The evil witch, okay. And did you love this man?

R: Yes.

P: And he was married or had a wife.

R: Yes.

P: Okay, and the trail, how did they do the trail?

R: I was in a room, all men.

P: Were they the towns people or?

R: A…a council of men.

P: And so, do you stand somewhere?

R: Yes.

P: So you tried to help this boy, and they created this story with the evil witch, and turned it against you because she was jealous of your powers.

R: Yes.

P: Alright, I see what’s happening here. Okay. What happened to your family then, because they left, what was going on there, because the house was just your house and you mentioned your mum, your dad, siblings…how come they weren’t around during your trail?

R: I was different, I had powers.

P: Okay.

R: They were afraid of me. They wanted to save themselves and the rest of the family.

P: Right. That’s what I was thinking. (They fled before…s**t hit the fan.) And so they left town?

R: Yes.

P: The parade what was the parade a celebration of…?

R: A new mayor. Some new, important person.

P: What caused the discomfort during the parade?

R: The abandonment.

P: That your family had left right?

R: Yes.

P: And it sounded like, you were young, like maybe, like a teenager?

R: Yes.

P: Yah, that’s young. So here you are trying to help these people, and it sounded like you helped a few or many.

R: Yes.

P: Was the evil witch, was she burned as well during your last day?

R: Not with us, but shortly after us.

P: Did the town, remove all the witches and kill them all?

R: Yes.

P: Well, that’s sad. So what was the purpose of that lifetime? I asked again….because she still had lots to share.

R: To do good, to be the good.

P: Even though people burned you and judged you?

R: Yes, stand in light.

P: Were you able to, I mean you did speak up for yourself right?

R: Yes.

I asked that question because sometimes if they were unable to speak their truth in a past life. They come again, to speak their truth and use their voice in this lifetime. Once you aware of it, you let it go and no longer carry the theme forward.

P: But there was too many of them, I guess they weren’t listening.

R: No, I gave up. I stopped fighting, I gave up.

Now, we left that lifetime in the past where it belongs. When I asked the SC why it chose to show us this lifetime today, the SC said this…

“To show her why….to show her why, she was always willing to put herself before others.”

The client still does or may I say did, this in her present life. So the SC advised:

“And she will suffer consequences for actions that are not her own, she will take it all on.”

So the SC advised, she was taking too much on again for others, even other people’s stuff.

And she did sacrifice herself in the past, they burned her as she tried to heal people.

The SC reminded her that she is light. And she is truth. And to let go of pleasing others, and neglecting her own needs. This was an important message that I believe every healer should hear, that the SC brought forth that day:

You cannot heal or save everybody.

Later, it was discovered by the SC, that the child she saved, was actually hers. And she had that child with that very husband, she had relations with.

It turned out, the wife stole the baby and said she found it in a field. This wasn’t true. It was her child. The wife told her, the child had died and so the wife of the husband, took the child as her own.

She had to conceal the pregnancy from society at that time, because she was unwed. And she was not married to him. If the village found out, they would have killed her and the child, as the SC stated.

So it was a very unraveling of events indeed. And hard lessons learned.

I  feel privileged to have shared her story with us all today. So…she could speak her truth, from the past.

She was merely a teenager, celebrating in the woods.

And even today, our society has flipped the celebration of seasonal changes to hallmark holidays like Halloween, and painted witches around a cauldron, as evil.

As they say, with any great power comes great responsibilities. Some use it for good, some do not.

Thank you to all my clients, in which I may gather and share your stories with the world.

With love and friendship,

Pamela N. Singh



Royalty free header image via unsplash

Image of women dancing around fire, credit unknown.

Historian Source:

Painting of witch trials  titled The trial of George Jacobs, August 5, 1692 by Tompkins H Matteson.

Cottage image via Mike Petrucci via Unsplash

My Spirit Animal, The Dragon: A QHHT Session

My Spirit Animal — The Dragon.

Because, who doesn’t love a good story with a dragon in it?


So apparently, yes, it is a thing. People have dragon companions. I too, have one!

My client came in with her list of questions (Let’s call her, Sally. Pseudonym.) And one of the questions we asked was regarding her dragon.

When we jumped into the session, we were immediately shown scenes of her current life. One of the misconceptions people may have regarding a QHHT session is that they always jump into a past life. Not true. 

There’s nothing ‘typical’ about any session, and each is very personal and profound to the individual person.

The subconscious (SC) shows them what they need to see, in order to benefit their current lifetime.

The SC brought up current images of Sally’s life because she has MAGIC in her. And the SC wanted to remind her of her magic.

Sometimes, when we grow up. We tend to forget that magic or question it away, push it aside, perhaps even judge it, or question if it’s real or not. Not saying either of these are the case for Sally, but wanted to provide some examples of why people may do this.

“All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

And so, the SC wanted to remind Sally of her magic by taking her back to her childhood.

It was a scene during classroom nap time, Sally saw the light.

Like, little flashes of light around her and it turns out they, the balls of light were her protectors. Some were her ancestors guiding and protecting her.



When we reached the question regarding Sally’s earliest memory of her dragon. This is what we discovered:

Pam: One of her kids (Sally’s child) was talking about, she could see her Mum’s dragon. And Sally is really wanting to open up her gifts so she can start seeing them again. Does the dragon have a name?

Sally: (Long Pause — sometimes this happens when the SC goes through the records [Akashic records] and reports back.) Cirrus.

Pam: Sirius? (I was thinking about the brightest star in our night sky.) Or Sirus?

Sally: Cirrus.

Pam: Cirrus (thought it sounded like a cool name, any dragon would be proud of that name. I still didn’t catch the reference until the client advised me after the session what it meant.) That is a cool name. And what does Cirrus look like? What color is Cirrus?

Sally: (Pause.) Turquoise.

Pam: Wow, that’s a cool color. Is Cirrus male, female, does it matter? (for a dragon species.)

Sally: It’s male.

Pam: Okay, and does Cirrus have scales?

Sally: Yes.

Pam: Does he shine or shimmer? And does the color of his skin, shine?

Sally: No.

Pam: So, he’s more like a mat ….

Sally: Yes.

Pam: And what does his face look like?

Sally: Kind.

Pam: Kind, okay. Does he have colorful eyes, what color are his eyes?

Sally: Gold.

Pam: Gold! Gold eyes, wow, okay. (Honestly, I become like a kid in this sessions and my inner child was like dragon! Where, I want to see!) So he’s turquoise, with a very kind face. And gold eyes. Does he have like, any like whiskers or mustache or something on his face.

Sally: No reply.

Pam: Any feathers, hands or arms. What does his body look like?

Sally: It’s big, it’s really big. He has a big body.

Pam: (Laughs.) How big is he?

Sally: (Takes a deep breath. This happens when the client is dropping down more into their SC.) Hmmm….

Pam: Is he like, big-big? (That’s an actual measurement, go look it up.)

Sally: It’s hard to describe, he’s so big.

Pam: Okay. Well that’s big. Now, how does Sally know Cirrus? How do they know each other? (I wanted to know if they met in a past life, childhood.)

Sally: Since she was little.

Pam: Awwee. (Getting sentimental.) So he used to visit her when she was a little girl?

Sally: Yes.

Pam: And did he talk to her? Was he protecting her? What were the things that…how was the relationship like?

Sally: Reassuring safety.

Pam: And is he with her often?

Sally: Always.

Pam: Always. (I repeat things at times, so they can hear the message back clearly.) Is there anyway Sally can talk to him now, in adulthood? (this was one of the questions, was how to reconnect with her magic again so she can be able to see them again.)

Sally: (Deep breath.) She just has to ask. (I get this a lot from the SC, they have to ask. This is a free will planet, and you have to ask. As they say — Ask and it is given.)

Pam: And can she call out his name and that will help?

Sally: Yes.

Pam: Okay. And how will she know when she is connected with him? Will she see an image of him? Will it be a feeling?

Sally: A sign.

Pam: A sign?

Sally: Um-hmm.

Pam: So Cirrus will give her a sign, that he’s there?

Sally: In the clouds.

Pam: Perfect. Okay. Thank you. That is amazing. Can she also draw him?

Sally: Yes.

Pam: Okay.

That’s pretty magical isn’t it?

Those who don’t believe in magic, will never find it. – Roald Dahl

Sometimes clients ask, “Did I make that up?”

And my reply is, how can somebody fake an emotion?

I’ve literally had clients, for example, regress back in time to an experience in a past life, in order to release an emotion. Because once the emotion is acknowledged, it can be released. And you can’t fake an emotion.

You can’t make up these stories either. The way people describe things, in detail. It’s vivid.

Okay so back to the story, first I thought she meant Sirius. But the client corrected me during the hypnosis saying, Cirrus.

I still didn’t get the reference until our post session interview to re-cap the session highlights. When she advised me, it’s a type of cloud.

I thought wow, you can’t even make this up. It sounds like a dragon’s name, and named after a cloud.

It’s at that moment I thought, oh when Sally looks up at the cloud (as her dragon advised,) she will see him. And she gets to connect to with him, anytime. Exactly like he mentioned.

Imagination is the conduit to the Higher Realms.

Remember that, that’s how they speak to you.

They have no limits or boundaries.

Only the ones we place on ourselves.


With love and unwavering friendship,

Pamela N Singh



Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to protect the identity and privacy of the clients involved in these sessions. Only first names have been used, and these have changed along with the gender of the client.


Cover Image – Stock photo of 1910 Illustration Fairy Tale Prince and Dragon by Warwick Goble. No copyright infringement intended.

GIF image via Game of Thrones.

Gif Image: From movie Brave, by Disney.

Image of dragons cooking by Quentin Blake. He illustrated all of Roald Dahl’s books.

Second Dragon Cloud Image, credit unknown. No copyright infringement intended.

Past Life Regression – The Egyptian

It’s not everyday I get to travel back in time to go to Egypt, in the security of my own home. But, here we are. Which is why I love what I do.

I literally get to time travel with my clients, to unravel the magic and mystery locked deep within their subconscious. We bring this up to the conscious mind, so that it may serve them in their present lifetime.

This particular story goes back in time to when the pyramids were being built. My client was in charge of the oversight of the construction of the pyramids, to see it to completion.

It was revealed during the session that her parents were suppose to oversea it, but they had died. So now, she had too. She didn’t have any other siblings and so it was just her. And it was determined that she was indeed, in Egypt.

We started the session off with the scene.

A desert with cream colored sand appeared. And it was hot. She saw people in the distance building the pyramids. And when asked where they lived, she said in tent like structures. She had fruits in her tent, a bed, and a gold cup to drink out of. She had status. The client’s name is Susan (pseudonym,)

Susan: It’s super hot. Really, really, hot. I only see pyramids.

Pam: What do you do for most of your day?

Susan: I watch these people. I just stand there and watch. It gets really hot.

Pam: Describe to me what it looks like? (The pyramids.)

Susan: It’s really big. And it has, it’s bigger than the one they’re building. So there’s several of them. I think its the last one they are building.

Pam: Are they people who are building it?

Susan: Um-hmm.

Pam: Do you know any of those people?

Susan: No. I’ve got this thing I’m holding.

Pam: Oh good, what are you holding?

Susan: I don’t know what it’s called.

Pam: What does it look like?

Susan: It’s like a pole. And then it goes up, and it starts turning into a circle. And it’s not just one circle. It’s circular.

Pam: And what color is it?

Susan: Gold.

Pam: So it’s a gold pole. Is it long?

Susan: Um-hmm. It’s taller than me.

Pam: It’s taller then you. So it’s…like a staff?

Susan: That’s the word. (She was pleased by this. The client later showed me a drawing soon after the session, it looked like a candy candy type rod, but it did swirl around like a circle on the top.)

Pam: Okay, and then on top of the staff, you said are circles?

Susan: It’s just one. (It was curled.)

Pam: And what color is the circle?

Susan: It’s gold. It’s just one piece.

Pam: Are you wearing any jewelry?

Susan: It’s like a cuff. It’s like a thick cuff thing. Left wrist.

Pam: Is it gold as well?

Susan: Yah, it has red jewels in it. And they’re like, diamond shape.

Pam: What is the color of your clothing?

Susan: White. It fits very nice. It’s got like a skirt. It’s like a one piece thing, and a belt.

Pam: And what’s the belt made out of?

Susan: I don’t know, but it’s really cool. It’s a really thick, waist belt, or something. My hair is black (she was a woman), and shoulder length. And I’ve got bangs. (See depiction of higher status Egyptian women below.)

She was standing there for a while, watching the people build the pyramids. And that’s what she did for most of her time.

So, I decided to move her forward to another important day.

Susan: I’m standing on top of the stairs.

Pam: What’s it look like?

Susan: It’s like a … (thinking for word.) I don’t know, what do you call it, it’s like a building or structure.

Pam: Is it a rectangle like structure or is it…?

Susan: NO, it’s really big. It’s made out of stone or something and there’s like pillars in the front. And there’s a peak on the top. And I’m standing in between the pillars, on top of the stairs.

Pam: Are there any drawings on the pillars? (I wanted to know if they had any hieroglyphics on them.)

Susan: No, I can’t tell, there’s just water.

Pam: Is it a fountain or like a river?

Susan: It’s like, I think it’s a fountain thingy, down below. To the right, from where I’m standing.

Pam: And what color is the building inside?

Susan: It’s cream, it’s a cream building.

Pam: Is there anybody walking in there?

Susan: There’s lot of people.

Pam: Is it a bazaar or like a city? (I wanted to know if the building was in a city.)

Susan: No. I’m not wearing what I’m wearing. I’m wearing something different than they are. I’m wearing white, and they are wearing different colors. They are really bland (the color of what the other people were wearing.) Rose color maybe (whispering.) Not cream, darker then cream.

Pam: Are you meeting anybody here? (The place by the pillars, I thought it was a temple. So I still wanted to know what this structure was…)

Susan: No, I live here.

Pam: (Blown away.) You live there?

Susan: (Nonchalantly.) Yup, that’s my house. That’s where I live.

Pam: That sounds like a very large house.

Susan: It’s gigantic.

Pam: Can you describe some of the people inside? (I was wondering if she had any family members in this past life.)

Susan: They’re clothes are long.

Pam: Like yours?

Susan: No, they’re just plain. The girls have their hair braided. And really long, long, braids. People just walking by, in and out. (So now I’m thinking, okay big house. Must these are her servants, and they are dressed differently than her, not as luxurious.)

Pam: Can we move to a scene, where you’re going to eat/have a meal in your home. (This helps in understanding who or if they’re are any family members around or if she is living alone.)

Pam: Are you seated at a table? What are you eating?

Susan: Nothing, it’s just a plate. I don’t cook.

Pam: Do you have servants?

Susan: Maybe, maybe that’s who those people are…I don’t do anything. I just watch those people build a pyramid.

Pam: Is it part of your job or role, that they build it properly?

Susan: Yup. I don’t have to be there (to make sure they are building it properly.) I just chose to be there. I just want to make sure that they are doing it right.

Pam: And who asked you to be there?

Susan: Nobody.

Pam: Do you have any family members in the home? Married or children?

Susan: I don’t think so. I’m by myself at the table.

Pam: You’re by yourself at the table?

Susan: There’s nobody else sitting there. It’s only my plate, with my cup. (Empty Silence.)

Pam: (Intuitively.) Well it feels kinda lonely though, doesn’t it?

Susan: A little bit. (The client was a bit emotionally guarded here, quick short answers.)

Pam: How do you feel, living in that home?

Susan: (Starts to get emotional.) Not very good. (She starts to cry, and the emotions start to pour here. This may not feel like a pleasant experience, but it’s needed to release the emotion.) Because I’m alone. I’m always alone.

This has also been a theme during the past two years for many people. The theme of loneliness.

Susan: Nobody wants to be there. (While crying, as in building the pyramids.) After expressing her sadness towards loneliness, she relaxed again.

Last Day of the Egyptian Woman’s Life:

Susan: I’m in the pyramid.

Pam: Is there anybody around you?

Susan: No. (So this must have been after they prepped her body.)

Pam: So where is your body placed?

Susan: On this thing. It’s like a (searching for words.) It’s like a flat thing. And my body is laying on top of it.

Pam: Did they wrap you up in cloth or did they place your body on anything?

Susan: No, it looks like this cloth. It’s like a cloth that you get wrapped in.

Pam: And what color is the cloth?

Susan: Like a whitish, cream.

Pam: Did people prepare your body?

Susan: I think so.

Pam: Are you looking down at your body?

Susan: Yah, and there’s light coming down from the top of the pyramid.

Pam: And what is this light doing, is it entering your body? (I meant beaming on her body, but she knew what I meant.)

Susan: It’s shining down on my body on where I was put.

Pam: Do you know what happened to the woman when she died? (I wanted to know how she died.)

Susan: No. I’m going through the light opening and looking down (at my body.) Because there’s no tip, on the pyramid.

(I read somewhere, that some of the pyramids were indeed flat on top. That beings or whoever built them, added the triangle top afterwards and that the top has special powers. But these may have been removed afterwards, by whoever.)

Susan: I just go through the top, and then I see the sky. And then…I just see stars. (Her spirit.)

(As we know, the pyramids were also elaborate tombs. Reserved for royalty. And women were seen mostly as equals to men. Look at Hatshepsut, she built Thebes! And oversaw the construction of it.)

When asking the client what she had learned from this lifetime:

What did you learn from loneliness?

To let people in. (This is what she was to learn, to let people in because she does everything for everyone.)

When I contacted the subconscious (SC) to ask, why did you choose to show this scene to my client today. The SC replied:

She has a family now and now…she’s not alone.

This was a very touching moment because the client talked earlier about a dream she had had, prior to our session, in which she had a vision of her family. And this dream served as a reminder and an example that she wasn’t alone anymore.

When asked what was the purpose of that lifetime:

It was the same as it is now, she has everything. She did everything for her parents when she was younger, like she did in this lifetime. It was time for her to do things to make her happy.

What stood out for me was one could live in a castle and have servants all around you, and still feel lonely.

At the end of the session, when the client woke up. I had a hibiscus plant in my home and there was a bud left by her feet, accidentally that had fallen off the plant. It was meant to be.

And she picked up that bud and a memory started to appear. She said, this was it, this reminded her of the type of flower that was at the pond thingy, by the waters (described earlier during the session, see above outside her home.)

It was floating in the water, she advised.

This tends to happen, as the day unfolds, so do the memories. And the little miracles left along the way, for you to follow the clues 🙂 I felt it was her SC gifting her with rose-like pedals at her feet like a blessing.

And just as the water lily/lotus flowers unfolds, so does the world start to magically unfold for you.

With love and adoration for my clients, and you dear reader,

Pamela N Singh



Cover Photo by Calin Stan, Royalty Free Unsplash

First Image: Egyptian woman via:

Second Image: Djoser Step Pyramid, famous tomb site, for example.

Please note, the names and sex of the client maybe changed due to confidentiality reasons to not personally identify the client. This is a condensed version of her session. 




Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The Magical Discovery of Colours


We see it all around us. Red, blue, green, and purple. But where do colours come from? And is it a form of light that Newton suggested?

Let’s start off with Newton, as many took his basic premise that colour arrives from white light. How did he start playing with colour and light? He made a pinhole in his curtain window, allowed the light to shine through, and placed a prism to capture and refract the light at the perfect angle.

What happened next?

The iconic image of the Prism.

Hence his conclusion, without light, there is no colour. Colour is refracted from light.

Now, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe played with this concept a little further. He discovered new colours, that were left out of Newton’s equation.

Goethe, a German born poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, and well…a very multi-faceted, multi-dimensional man, expanded on Newton’s theory of colour.

Goethe believed it wasn’t light alone that created colour, but darkness as well.

And our eyes, naturally look for harmonic colours and create a complimentary colour in the shadows. No joke.

Was totally amazed by this and wondered why we weren’t taught this in our academic school system. Allow me to demonstrate.

Experiment One: Light and Shadow – Hidden Complimentary Colours.

A) Take a dark room. Place a cone in the middle.

B) Fill the room with two projectors of light, one on each end of the cone.

C) Take one end, turn the light on, and place a coloured filter on it. Let’s say green. And let the other light be.

D) This will create a natural green light to be illuminated on the center cone display, where the green filter is… minus the dark, grey shadow.

Since the other light projector is not turned on, it will leave a shadow.

Now, turn the other light on WITHOUT the filter. Just plain light.

And what do you see?

The grey shadow area lights up in MAGENTA! The complimentary colour to green!

And this happens to the other colours as well, as we create the complimentary colour. Purple to Blue. Cyan Blue to Red.

And this is what our eyes want to see, according to Goethe – Harmony, through complimentary colours.

And so, we create magenta to see in compliment to green, in the ‘shadow,’ of the object.

And if you were to zoom into the magenta, like really zoom in.

Do you know what you see? Grey again.

Wow, this truly is the amazing and magical world of colours!


“Color itself is a degree of darkness. Color is an essential part of how we experience the world, both biologically and culturally.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


What I appreciate about Goethe approach versus Newton’s, is that he has a more holistic approach not only to colours, but to life. His colour wheel, included all spectrums of light, that was both observed in the darkness and light. He believed, the two were inseparable.

And such is the polarity of life, the light and the dark, the yin and yang. The duality and polarity of life.

Experiment Two: The Importance of Yellow and Blue – The Basis of All Colours

Goethe believed the atmosphere, consisted of particles and dust. He conducted an experiment of the, ‘Turbid-sphere,’ as he called it.

So, he created a box with a transparent glass lid.

A) When he lifted the lid of the box, with the transparent glass on it, facing the light. It turned – Yellow.

B) When you closed the box and the transparent lid faced the dark, the interior. The transparent glass turned – Blue.

Blue and Yellow make Green.

And as you intensify these two colours via it’s density, or intensity.

It creates the whole colour spectrum. Therefore, Blue and Yellow, were the basis of the colour wheel and are found near the bottom of the colour chart (see: Antique Colour Wheel.)

Experiment Three: Colour Intensification.

If you were to a glass stairway, hollow and empty. Fill it with water. Then add a drop of yellow dye to one stairway.

And the other separate staircase, blue. This is what you would get:

Staircase with Yellow Dye:

  • Canary yellow (The larger, bottom step.)
  • To light orange (Middle step.)
  • Then Red. (Shortest step. The Denser the yellow becomes, the more Red it gets.)

Staircase with Blue Dye:

  • Cyan Blue
  •  Blue
  • Dark Blue
  • Violet (More Dense.)

This also leads to me conclude and apply this to the world of Dimensions and Densities.

Many people who have experienced NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) and/or Astral Traveled – describe how vibrant the colours are in these realms of existence. They are more vivid and bright, they say. That’s the real world, the poet’s say, and we dream this reality.

Perhaps, this has lead to me conclude, that this reality is at the bottom of the staircase.

As we rise to lighter densities, we reach a spectrum of vibrant, bright colours, that exists only in those realms or planes of existence. Up the staircase so to speak, like a Stairway to Heaven.

So, perhaps, when those individuals experience NDE’s. They ‘leave their denser, more heavy bodies behind,’ and ‘elevate’ to Higher Realms of Consciousness, where different colours exist!

I do want to say, Pigeons, don’t have to have NDE’s in order to experience a whole, new array of colours. They see ULTRAVIOLET colours. Whereas humans, see the Rainbow – ROYGBIV.


Octopi, by the way, can camouflage their colours to their natural habitat and even duplicate the patterns to a tee! And they are believed to be…Colour Blind? How is that possible? Do they experience colour differently than we do?

Colours are a whole other ball game as you can tell, we are starting to embark on, the wonderful and magical world of colours.

Hope you In-Joyed this,

Much Love,







Royalty Free Images:

Prism by Braxton Apana – Unsplash

Penguin by Lenstravelier – Unsplash

Great video demonstration of Goethe’s Theory on Colours found here.


Octopus: The Soul of An Octopus Interview with Author – Sy Montgomery

Dinshaw Colour Therapy:












What is Shadow Work in Spirituality & Shadow Work Exercises

What is Shadow Work in Spirituality?

When we go outside on a sunny day, what do we see? A shadow.

And does that scare you? Probably not. It shouldn’t because it is a part of you. A reflection of you. And that’s how we are going to approach this topic.

Your shadow work is the stuff you don’t want to see, or the ‘stuff’ you feel belongs well, in the shadows and in the depths of the subconsciousness mind.

I refuse to say, unconscious mind, because well, even the conscious mind has to be aware of the unconscious aspects of self? You can’t turn off your consciousness, otherwise you cease to exist! Some may say the unconscious mind is more the ‘auto-pilot’ mode for your behaviors, that’s the subconscious mind.

From a spirituality context, many famous hypnotist, like Dolores Cannon may go back to past lives with her clients, to unearth these subconscious attributes that you may have ‘unconsciously’ pre-programmed into your current life.

Once the gig is up, as in the subconscious mind reveals to you, the pattern in which a theme you kept exploring, keeps coming up. And now you’re aware of it. You awareness to it, ceases to exist it the previous pattern or blockages, unless you presently consciously continue to re-enact the theme again and again. And again. And again, but why would you?

To demonstrate that equation see here:

Subconscious Mind (Old Habit and Pattern) + Technique or Experience to bring forth the Subconscious habit to the Conscious Mind = Breaking Awareness.

Or better yet: SM + CM = A

All lives are simultaneous existing by the way. Past, Present and Future are all NOW, as science is slowly catching up with this.

And the NOW, is where YOUR power exist. Because you can transmute the past, with the new found love you have unearthed TODAY.

Many of the shadow aspects of your-self, is buried away in past lives, karma, and/or wedged in your current experiences.

And when you start to release this past karma, it can feel like the dark night of the soul, which I will get to later.

But picture a Sufi dancer, majestically disrobing her heavy garments, her ‘cloaks.’ So to say, until she reaches her fine cloth found in the center. Remember, it makes for a heck of a performance.

Shadow Work – According to Carl Jung:

Carl Jung, famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst coined the term – Shadow Work.

He also stated, “shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.” And you know what, I tend to agree. Understanding human psychology assist in loving all parts of the self.

From a spirituality standpoints, all parts of self or what I like to call, the ‘I AM,’ are projections from a single – Source. And these subdivided personalities or ‘personas’ of Self call it you, me and Bob are projections from a true self known in Hinduism as, Atman. Atman being, “The essence that is eternal, unchanging, and indistinguishable from the essence of the universe.” Given that you have free will of course, to play out your persona or personal identity as you please.

So we have the, ‘SELF.’ The persona or personality of you. The one places the mask on and plays her part in the collective ‘whole’ of the universe.

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
Oscar Wilde

Then we have the ‘Ultimate SELF.’ The one without the persona or ego. The eternal you let’s call it.

Freud called it – Id. Ego and Superego. Carl Jung, who was Freud’s student, called it Ego, Personal Unconscious and Collective Unconscious.

The Yogi Masters of our time, called that which is beyond the Ego and ‘Self’ – ATMAN. And BRAHMAN – The ‘God Head,’ or the ‘Entire Cosmos and Universe.’ The ALL.

I bring these points before you today because it’s important to see how different aspects are categorized. It really doesn’t matter to get a concept, the transformation is in the experience, not the textbook. Though it helps in understanding.

With Jung, the shadow work may be unresolved issues in your childhood or past that, if they continue to go unresolved. May or will end up as unresolved projections towards others.

Things we don’t want to look at, embedded in the human psyche: Jealousy, envy, competitiveness, comparing, self doubt, controlling, playing the victim, and so forth. If these go unresolved, you play these out in themes or archetypes in your current life, until you break the pattern or cycle.

We all know people who don’t look at all aspects of their self, shadow included, and tend to ignore it. They only focus on the positive aspects of their nature. They are afraid of their own shadow and the gems that live there. Hence, they live their lives tip-toeing around their shadow because they are afraid of what they will find.

They are afraid that they are that, which they will find, when they are not.

Life has colors, and that’s how I tend to see it. Many stories in the 3D reality tend to play with the villain, the hero, the challenge, the climax story archetype.

Those who haven’t amalgamated their shadows and make peace with it – tend to repeat it. This is what we call in a spirituality context, individuals who keep on repeating the same old soul themes over and over again, until someone wakes them up from their vicious cycle and says, ‘SNAP OUT OF IT!’

The Dark Night of the Soul:

This is the night when your subconscious mind, bubbles up to the surface all that stuff = ‘shadow work,’ you don’t want to look at and it just purges that night. Full moons tend to bring this about or eclipses depending on where it falls. Like the shores to the sea, they tug on the elements and themes within you.

I have heard many tales from clients, that it feels like death. And honestly, it does. I’ve had several ‘dark nights of the soul,’ myself and all I can say is, you get over it. There was a funny meme online where everyone is screaming on the roller coaster expect for one woman. You’ve been there, done that. Next.

So how does the Dark Night of the soul feel like? Night sweets, anxiety, panic attacks. You name it.

It’s a spiritual purge of memories, negative thoughts, and negative patterns and belief systems bubbling up to the surface to be released. Don’t give it too much thought or analysis. Just let that s**t go.

Basically as you shift through this, it’s like lifting the weights off a hot air balloon and raising up to HR = Higher Realms.

I know these are hard topics to talk about, but hopefully, someone out there reading this, will read this and feel less alone or, “Hey, I went through one of those?” And maybe understand why all of a sudden, in a day or two, they feel the heavy weights being lifted like a balloon!

Honestly, I love this GIF. And would like to meet this woman one day, and run in our Sari’s down this alleyway yelling out blissful statements. But I digress.

Remember that with the dark night of the soul, ‘this too shall pass.’

Shadow Work Exercises:

Some of the basics, of Shadow work to raise your vibration are:

1) Self Acceptance & Unconditional Love:

Accept who you are, what you are, and most importantly where you’re going and who you are becoming.

People LOVE to sit and rotates on the past, and live in the past. They psychoanalyze it to death and I’m not for that.

Today we have new spiritual treatments where with a skilled Teacher, you can shift through those old patterns in a matter of meditations. Those who tend ignore their ‘work,’ tend to repeat it.

But those that accept it, as it is. Without judging it. Move through it a lot more quickly.

Hence, self acceptance.

It is not a part of your identity, it was an experience that shifted through to who you are TODAY. Today is what counts.

2) Bathtub and Salt Scrubs:

Honestly, it helps and your body intuitively knows what to do about this. People think a ‘Spiritual Awakening,’ is all unicorns and rainbows and it’s not. You go through your moments, you meet you demons, and you tell them to F**k off. It’s just that.

I have a Dissolve and Rise meditation with affirmations if you would like to print it out and take it with you in the bathtub for meditation.

Prep your bathtub. Clean it prior, fill it roses and flowers. These carry a high frequency. Especially roses. These are not cliches, they were turned into cliches by cynical people.

Also gather a nice scented candle. Dim the lights, and focus on your breath. Fill it with warm water and bath salts. Salts ‘extract’ remember.

Remember the full moon and tugging away. Well, allow the salts to tug away gently at your soul.

And just dip into the sea of your subconscious mind and let it go. Whatever life throws at you, as the saying goes, it wouldn’t have come your way if you couldn’t handle it. Now, you handled it.

3) Reiki and Body Work:

This really helps. I highly encourage people to work with a skilled Reiki Master or a RMT.

As you deal with a lot of upcoming and overflowing volcanic explosions of energy on Earth – Reiki and body work, massages, or anything of that nature, which can assist the energy to move through and out, to not to be ‘stuck’ within you, helps a lot.

The body remembers. The body has intelligence. Listen to your body, to help alleviate any past traumas or experiences you may have had, allow it ooze out of the pores of your body by just WITNESSING it. Don’t activate or re-live it, just re-lease it. And so it is.

I chatted with Farah Siddiq, Cosmic Reiki Master on my podcast Happy Freya, on shadow work, ancestral healing, and breaking your habits on things that no longer serve in this lifetime. I encourage you to have a listen.

4) Hypnotherapy and QHHT:

I chatted with Marilyn Dyke, a Level III Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner on my podcast of what QHHT technique is and how it helps people.

People have reversed life long conditions in the offices of talented QHHT Practitioner.

I visited her as she was my practitioner and so glad we did it. You never know what comes up from these sessions and what to expect as I shared in this Episode. All I know is that, it helped. A LOT.

Delores Cannon who founded the QHHT hypnosis, found all it can take is one session. She asked the subconscious part of the mind (SM) of her clients, as it revealed things – what the client was ready to see and what was relevant. After that, she asked the SM if what s/he has learned was learned, can the soul now move along his or her journey without having to experience this anymore.

And so it is, if the subconscious mind or some say, Oversoul twiddles it’s nose, like a Genie and passes yes towards the client. Especially if the clients has learned his or her lesson.

Remember my formula above?

SM + CM = Breaking Awareness. Now the client is aware to it, it breaks. Many practitioners of the metaphysical field know this!

5) Get out in Nature, Shut off the Tech:

Highly recommend this as in ‘unplugging’ from the virtual world, and ‘plugging into your HS,’ higher self. The Atman. The eternal you.

Not what some technocrats, designed as an artificial world for you to live in, but be in the harmonically of Source, that which is a part of you, designed in tune with the ever evolving, ever changing harmonics of you.

I highly implore you to get out of your head, get out of your house, and get back into the magnificent body that is you and go explore nature.

6) Dream Analysis and Spiritual Advisor:

Usually the subconscious mind, surfaces in your dreams through symbology or repeat dreams. It could come in the form of animals, or events.  Places significant in your childhood or memories, and so forth.

I highly encourage people to seek out these resources and more. This list is in no way exhaustive of all that life has to offer in forms of assisting you transition more into who you really are. We haven’t even touched upon sound and color therapy yet! Which is a whole topic, in and of itself.

However, these soul-utions listed here, are heavy hitting solutions. They assist to elevate you to the next level and I hope you found it helpful.

If you need any assistance with any further questions. Please feel free to email and book a complimentary 15 minute session.

Loving the unique expression that is you,





Royalty Free Images:

Woman in bathtub by Bruce Mars

Triangle Image by Pixabay


Dropping your Densities – On Healing and Forgiveness

Are you ready to drop your densities?

I’ve always pictured it as someone dropping off  heavy bags from a hot air balloon and lifting off. At least, that’s what my guides show me or inter-dimensional friends.

And the feeling can be quite exhilarating. The process, can be daunting.

But what does it mean to drop your densities?

It means to drop your pain, your guilt, your sorrows, your worries, your woes.

You don’t have to hold onto to your old pain stories or the past.

Because your old pain stories do not identify you. You are not your past. This is 3D thinking, to think linear. That we must go through pain in order to feel joy.

Trust me – pain does have it’s lessons and we learn from our past.

When I have conversations with my IDB’s (inter-dimensional beings) some of who asked me: What is forgiveness?

I kind of feel unsure how to answer that. It almost seems like an Earth human story. Because I say, well sometimes people cause each other harm or pain, whether intentionally or not.

And they gasp and say in shock – What do you mean you intentionally cause each other pain?! You mean to say some of your beings intentionally want to harm or hurt one another!

And this is our conversations goes because in their civilization – usually higher densities, they have dropped their pain.

And yet, at the same time, with duality, you have to acknowledge your pain, shadows and not push it aside or suppress.

We have all had our share of pain in our life. Admit it, inner work looks more like this at the beginning:

We have had our share of therapy. Inner work. Spiritual practice. Healing shaman circles and healers. Indigenous healing circles. Nature. Whatever that is for you, we walked that path towards healing and letting go.

I did too and I still have my moment. Now it’s a bit quicker to address and acknowledge. I give my pain space to be. If she wants to throw a tantrum. Let her. We call that holding space. The body shakes, she tremors, she is releasing this energy from a memory once before.

My definition of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER is this:

When pain is given from a younger self to an older self. Because the younger self didn’t have the resources to deal with it. So it transmitted it the older self when the resources were available to properly deal with it. And I think that’s beautiful as in you helping you. And isn’t it true that when any great obstacle or challenge appears, a solution arises and/or somebody or someone shows up in your life to help you transmute that pain?

Transmutation is the ability to transform darkness into light. On a 3D level, in order to release the 3D body, you must acknowledge the pain in order to transcend to it holds you down.

It can be colours, or drawing, with trained professionals and/or healers with experience in your life. They help transmute that pain and facilitate you on your heroes journey. So you can overcome your personal obstacles. The Road Less Travelled so to speak.

Many times people don’t want to release that pain or go there so to speak because they’re bodies cramp up, they feel like they’re going to die, a panic enters their body! No,no, mind says, I cannot enter it hurts so much.

But when you do with a trained professional. You realize you don’t die, you healed your wounds and pain.

And for that, I think you’re pretty brilliant to be so brave to transcend your pain. I think you’re beautiful.

When working with guides, my personal experience has been to provide that safe space for people to talk it out. My guides though, don’t linger in pain or allow to buffet your sorrows and keep eating the stories you don’t want. It’s about acknowledging.

When I work with my Guide Empathy, she usually sits beside and helps the people do body work to release the areas of your body that had the pain. Like a red dot, red coming from your ROOT CHAKRA, which is the physical plane. It is released.

The human tends to stay onto it because it’s all that they have known. I challenge you, once you have done your inner work, and it’s not like a day either, it’s a process and like I said, sometimes it comes back but you’re that much more equipped. You acknowledge and let go.

Forgiveness is really letting go.

And if people really knew how freeing forgiveness is,

more people would do it!

To be clear – forgiveness is not a justification for the pain or the one who inflicted it. No, far from that! It’s means YOU made an empowered decision to say, NO, I let go of my pain so I can move on with my live. And that is standing in your power.

Let me tell you. It’s hard work. But there are plenty of healers to help you shift and move through that pain. And it ain’t unicorn sprinkles either. Some mediations deal with a lot of fire work. A burning of the past, to rebirth a new you.

This is your journey not there’s – so don’t give your power away. You are much more stronger than that, than you know.

With more to say on this topic,

I will leave it at that.

Like the butterfly, you have your caterpillar, cocoon and ready to fly moments. Remember, the butterfly dissolved every cell in her body to become a butterfly. She only left a few cells left in tact. That’s called the Imaginal Cells.

And I believe for humans, this concept of metamorphosis is found within — The Center of your Heart! And you have people to remind you how infinite you are to show you how.


Pam and Her Guides – Inter-Dimensional Friends

Chapter One: The Glass of Water Experiment and Your Higher Mind

I was sitting here one day looking at an old post image and then something happened.

This post happened.

Okay, now I know it may a bit of stretch for some people to say, hey Pam, I can’t really see into other worlds or dimensions but I am here to demonstrate how easy it can be and show you how you’re living in one right now.

And you’re not really seeing ‘into’ one, you are becoming one.

Your whole perspective will change after reading this article. If not, you can return this digital image of a glass water back to me 🙂

With that being said, let’s focus on this glass of water image shall we?

I would like for you to play with me a little here.

Now, pretend you are looking into this glass of water. Stare at the photo for at least a minute or 30 seconds.

There it is! This beautiful, bubbly glass of water.

Notice, this is a 3D glass of water, that someone took a picture of, and converted it into a 1D file or frame.

The 1D image is a flat image – the picture.

The 3D is the X, Y, and Z axis. Hence 3D.

If you want to practice seeing into other worlds, pop this glass of water in your mind’s eye back into a 3D image. And pretend you are looking down into this 3D glass of water even though it’s 1D frame – what you might notice is that your mind is now taking a 1D image and pushing it into a 3D frame of mind.

This is much like those magic eye games we used to play as kids when holding an image in front of our eyes and seeing another image hidden within when you look slightly back.

Densities, I feel, are like lego blocks of existence.

So imagine consciousness stripping itself into layers of existence. I call those densities. The higher the layer, the lower the density. The lower the layer, well the more dense it is. Hence, that’s a really dense cake. Meaning thick and heavy.

Humans tend to judge these layers. I implore you, don’t. You’re just making it harder for yourself to appreciate all planes of existence. Every layer in a cake provides it’s own unique expression of flavour. You wouldn’t judge a cake now would you?

Moving on.

So with densities, you create this 3D cube. Now take this 3D cube and oh, let’s add something that doesn’t really exist – time. So that would be 4th density. 3 elements of measurements in time.

Think of densities as building blocks of consciousness. Dimensions as the world they live in! 🙂

I also see it as layers for consciousness to see itself. And more on that layer, consider them, point of views.

Because I believe right now, as we speak, in this space x time continuum, time is being fractioned off. And now the I AM is starting to realize it’s own existence and that’s it is a part of a larger puzzle here.

Allow me to demonstrate.

The best way I could explain this is dimensions don’t really live in time, they, well, live in another dimension where times escapes them. Many inter-dimensional beings don’t use a density building block called time for their world building. They just, throw that s**t out and said, we don’t have time for this, pun intended. I know, terrible. But because it wasn’t a part of their paradigm, it doesn’t exist for them.

Hence why inter-dimensional beings who can live in other dimensions, can travel through walls (space) and travel. But it’s more work, for lack of a better word, for a higher dimensional being to lower itself to lower densities because well, these densities carry a lot of gravity and heaviness to them. Hence, enlightenment means – lighten up. That you get a birds eye view of the bigger picture and how everything clicks into everything else, or connects to everything else. Many great watchers of the cosmos, those earlier scientist who well, spent most of their time in isolation and away from the collective at that time, discovered this phenomenon. Same goes with spiritual leaders who invest in meditation and well, so can you!

Allow to explain.

Honestly, there’s a bit of confusion when it comes to these terms even within the spiritual community and the physics community.  Humans like to label many things. Just because you may not know the proper ‘term’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist for you. You can call a rock, a round thingy on the ground and it still exist regardless of what you label it. So don’t worry about it. It doesn’t make you look smarter knowing terms but how you communicate the ideas that matters. Get it, matters? Okay I’ll stop now for real, no I won’t!

Now here’s the real juicy bits – Consciousness.

Each bubble in the glass in this post, are floating bubbles of consciousness.

I won’t get into too much detail here but let’s call those small bubbles your personal identity.

These is where the I AM’s or the personas of your-self exist.

Now that’s Bob bubble down the street, Jim bubble down the road, Janet bubble with her bubble cat Carole on her walk. And they all live in a bubble universe that’s about to implode.

Now, people may not like this exercise because they may feel small, thinking that they are this tiny little bubble in a glass of water but bear with me here.

You’re still here right?

Okay, cool.

So each bubble is a little I am. A wave in an ocean. A spec of dust where an Ego lives that holds onto it’s identity and cries for its own self existence when feeling threatened.

Yet a wave doesn’t cry when it reaches the shores of the sands of time, the wave knows it’s also a part of broader perspective called an ocean.

And let’s clear some things up here people, an Ego is not a BAD thing contrary to what many people think. It’s only when it gets in the way of understanding one another and your own personal growth that limits you.

Humans have a tendency to do that – putting things into piles and categories as demonstrated above.

I understand it helps us come to terms with things to understand them better but I would like to STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH your reality of existence and your imagination. I want to show you, how much of a magician you really are here.

Now, each I AM bubble contains a perspective of autonomy. Autonomy is important. That infinity birthed itself into a paradigm here on Earth that you agreed to play in with yourself and with others. If we wanted to be in oneness all the time, you would fully transcend into nonphysical a higher density form. This is yet another layer or realm of existence that I won’t get into here today. And yes, civilizations and beings exist in the 5D realms and above as non-physical communities.

Unless you open your third eye and journey to the centre of your heart and flick the switch. But I digress.

Back to the glass since here’s my next question for you as you contemplate that tiny bubble of your existence: Who is the one holding the glass of water in the first place?

I would like to say, You are!

And that my friends, is what I like to call – your Higher Self.

The higher self is the one that projects the I AM into all planes of existence –  all over the place in a realm we call Earth and others planets and other planes of existence.

Whoa, it’s getting dizzy here. Now you know why I call myself Pam I AM 🙂

Like NODES on a GRID. The I AM exist.

I call them – Data clusters because I was once, a data analyst and now, I am a Data Analyst of the Cosmos. The I AM holds a unique perspective of the cosmos. It get’s to explore every edge of consciousness and because it does, because you do. It expands our life of existence itself!

Now how cool is that!

Now Pam, if the one was all knowing, why would it do this?

Ask yourself this question and you’ll find out. Moving on.

Now see this picture below…

I like to call this – the one fractioned itself in order to experience itself.

The one produced larger ‘ones’ and those dispersed themselves as smaller ‘ones.’ Now speaking relative here, let’s not get into a size argument. As you can see, all extensions came from the same Source.

One stuck itself behind a cloud, another in another dimension, another in another realm or plane of existence. Each sentient being, came as a node within a pre-existing framework. A density.

A rock can’t imagine itself to time travel or take itself out to fly, that’s a lower density. But a human can. And no if you take the rock with you on a spaceship it doesn’t count as taking it out to fly. Believe me, I took my rocks for car rides yet I must say, a consciousness does exist within that life form. I can FEEL it through my inter-stellar sensory receptors.

If we call a blade of grass – Level 1 of Existence. First Density.

We don’t judge that it all it knows is to see the sky.

And we may look at a skies perspective and we don’t judge it that it is between an Earth/Terra or Space. Each is unique and all is a part of the one and I believe, all should be respected for their unique expression that they are here.

Hence, we are one.

Now the one that projects is called:


I call the one –  infinite intelligence, unconditional love. Source.

Now can I prove that the one exist?

Maybe quantum entanglement can give us a glimpse of it because that which you do to one particle, the other can feel even when separated.

“We are all connected.” 

I feel it kinda works like EMPATHY.

Because you can feel what another person is going through even though they lived a complete separate, autonomous life than you. I am not saying you lived their life, I am saying in your heart of hearts, you can feel for what someone is going through.

That is how I believe humans tap into this oneness.

Through the heart’s code.

And right at the bottom of your heart, there is an eternal spark or flame called infinity.

And she records every memory of yours, every experience, ever record of laughter, smiles and heartache.

And so how does this spark, blow out? Who blows it out?

You do. In fact, your higher self does. And it never goes out by the way. It transmutes back into the light.

It’s like….a ray of sunshine cannot be captured. It just is. But it can bend, like a prism in your heart. You can bend light.

But I digress. Yet again.

So what have I discovered about the one, through my quiet, contemplative meditations.


I know, we got a little metaphysical here but I believe there must be some basic understanding of the cosmos in order to perceive where I’m about to take you next.

With those rules or laws of governance above, that the one created in order to experience itself. These principles were not limitations but ways in which infinity can explore can itself. Otherwise, forgive me here, but if you wanted to explore infinity you would be dead. You came her for the “Rules of Play,” and emphasis on this being a ‘Play.’

Within each density, you ascend to in a higher plane of existence and the rules of play change. Because your perspective has changed. The blade of grass perspective is different than that of a hot air balloon but each exist and contribute to the laws of existence.

When the One Fractioned itself, it created what is called – THE OVERSOUL or HIGHER MIND.

The Self is an extension of the OVERSOUL or HIGHER MIND.

How can I demonstrate this?

With the example above. You see why I had to go over all this to bring it all back here.

The I AM self has this experiential form of a reality bubble.

Then it goes one day, and meets other I AM’s.

And then it has a existential crisis when it realizes it’s higher mind projected itself in a glass of water.

The Higher Self is an extension of unconditional love it is found in everything. In fact, you are so loved. You are given the illusion that you are not loved because love, loved you so much. It didn’t want to infringe on your free will. Now, if that ain’t love I don’t know what it is. And it also gifted you to empower yourselves with freedom and virtues.

Or what I like to call, the best I can’s.

The fun factor about a higher mind is that – it is your broader perspective. It’s the broader infinity holding the glass of water. Projecting itself down into this 3D model. It is your higher self and it knows exactly why it came here. This is different for each soul, it’s purpose or themes they wanted to explore here. Everyone’s play is different but we are all playing off the same movie reel.

In fact, if you could talk to your higher self or your higher mind more often that would be greatly beneficial. Picture yourself extended. Massive. Cosmic.

And get advice from YOU on why YOU came here! Why not?

Never know what happens and I would like to share with you, you may never look at a glass of water the same way again after reading this article and maybe even life when you see things through a different lens. The layers of life.

Are you looking at things through a blade of grass? Or through the cosmos? Or past the stars? Each is a unique POV, is one more right than the other. Nah.



Pamela N. Singh

PS – The best way I can express when I am with oneness with the one or Samādhi, a non dualistic state of consciousness when it becomes one with it’s observer. In Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and other yogic schools of thought – is when I don’t think of anything at all and get lost in the moments of life.


One of the most grounding exercises you can do today is a very simple technique that only takes 5 minutes to 1 minute long.

And it’s as simple as touching the Earth. Seriously.

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The following is an account of a very strange day I had when asked by a friend, how my nose was doing after many sneezes. Again. I can neither confirm nor deny this information as I leave that to your better judgement to decipher what is true for you. Good day.

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