We see it all around us. Red, blue, green, and purple. But where do colours come from? And is it a form of light that Newton suggested?
Let’s start off with Newton, as many took his basic premise that colour arrives from white light. How did he start playing with colour and light? He made a pinhole in his curtain window, allowed the light to shine through, and placed a prism to capture and refract the light at the perfect angle.
What happened next?
The iconic image of the Prism.
Hence his conclusion, without light, there is no colour. Colour is refracted from light.
Now, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe played with this concept a little further. He discovered new colours, that were left out of Newton’s equation.
Goethe, a German born poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, and well…a very multi-faceted, multi-dimensional man, expanded on Newton’s theory of colour.
Goethe believed it wasn’t light alone that created colour, but darkness as well.
And our eyes, naturally look for harmonic colours and create a complimentary colour in the shadows. No joke.
Was totally amazed by this and wondered why we weren’t taught this in our academic school system. Allow me to demonstrate.
Experiment One: Light and Shadow – Hidden Complimentary Colours.
A) Take a dark room. Place a cone in the middle.
B) Fill the room with two projectors of light, one on each end of the cone.
C) Take one end, turn the light on, and place a coloured filter on it. Let’s say green. And let the other light be.
D) This will create a natural green light to be illuminated on the center cone display, where the green filter is… minus the dark, grey shadow.
Since the other light projector is not turned on, it will leave a shadow.
Now, turn the other light on WITHOUT the filter. Just plain light.
And what do you see?
The grey shadow area lights up in MAGENTA! The complimentary colour to green!
And this happens to the other colours as well, as we create the complimentary colour. Purple to Blue. Cyan Blue to Red.
And this is what our eyes want to see, according to Goethe – Harmony, through complimentary colours.
And so, we create magenta to see in compliment to green, in the ‘shadow,’ of the object.
And if you were to zoom into the magenta, like really zoom in.
Do you know what you see? Grey again.
Wow, this truly is the amazing and magical world of colours!
“Color itself is a degree of darkness. Color is an essential part of how we experience the world, both biologically and culturally.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What I appreciate about Goethe approach versus Newton’s, is that he has a more holistic approach not only to colours, but to life. His colour wheel, included all spectrums of light, that was both observed in the darkness and light. He believed, the two were inseparable.
And such is the polarity of life, the light and the dark, the yin and yang. The duality and polarity of life.
Experiment Two:The Importance of Yellow and Blue – The Basis of All Colours
Goethe believed the atmosphere, consisted of particles and dust. He conducted an experiment of the, ‘Turbid-sphere,’ as he called it.
So, he created a box with a transparent glass lid.
A) When he lifted the lid of the box, with the transparent glass on it, facing the light. It turned – Yellow.
B) When you closed the box and the transparent lid faced the dark, the interior. The transparent glass turned – Blue.
Blue and Yellow make Green.
And as you intensify these two colours via it’s density, or intensity.
It creates the whole colour spectrum. Therefore, Blue and Yellow, were the basis of the colour wheel and are found near the bottom of the colour chart (see: Antique Colour Wheel.)
Experiment Three:Colour Intensification.
If you were to a glass stairway, hollow and empty. Fill it with water. Then add a drop of yellow dye to one stairway.
And the other separate staircase, blue. This is what you would get:
Staircase with Yellow Dye:
Canary yellow (The larger, bottom step.)
To light orange (Middle step.)
Then Red. (Shortest step. The Denser the yellow becomes, the more Red it gets.)
Many people who have experienced NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) and/or Astral Traveled – describe how vibrant the colours are in these realms of existence. They are more vivid and bright, they say. That’s the real world, the poet’s say, and we dream this reality.
Perhaps, this has lead to me conclude, that this reality is at the bottom of the staircase.
As we rise to lighter densities, we reach a spectrum of vibrant, bright colours, that exists only in those realms or planes of existence. Up the staircase so to speak, like a Stairway to Heaven.
So, perhaps, when those individuals experience NDE’s. They ‘leave their denser, more heavy bodies behind,’ and ‘elevate’ to Higher Realms of Consciousness, where different colours exist!
I do want to say, Pigeons, don’t have to have NDE’s in order to experience a whole, new array of colours. They see ULTRAVIOLET colours. Whereas humans, see the Rainbow – ROYGBIV.
Octopi, by the way, can camouflage their colours to their natural habitat and even duplicate the patterns to a tee! And they are believed to be…Colour Blind? How is that possible? Do they experience colour differently than we do?
Colours are a whole other ball game as you can tell, we are starting to embark on, the wonderful and magical world of colours.
Hope you In-Joyed this,
Much Love,
Royalty Free Images:
Prism by Braxton Apana – Unsplash
Penguin by Lenstravelier – Unsplash
Great video demonstration of Goethe’s Theory on Colours found here.
When we go outside on a sunny day, what do we see? A shadow.
And does that scare you? Probably not. It shouldn’t because it is a part of you. A reflection of you. And that’s how we are going to approach this topic.
Your shadow work is the stuff you don’t want to see, or the ‘stuff’ you feel belongs well, in the shadows and in the depths of the subconsciousness mind.
I refuse to say, unconscious mind, because well, even the conscious mind has to be aware of the unconscious aspects of self? You can’t turn off your consciousness, otherwise you cease to exist! Some may say the unconscious mind is more the ‘auto-pilot’ mode for your behaviors, that’s the subconscious mind.
From a spirituality context, many famous hypnotist, like Dolores Cannon may go back to past lives with her clients, to unearth these subconscious attributes that you may have ‘unconsciously’ pre-programmed into your current life.
Once the gig is up, as in the subconscious mind reveals to you, the pattern in which a theme you kept exploring, keeps coming up. And now you’re aware of it. You awareness to it, ceases to exist it the previous pattern or blockages, unless you presently consciously continue to re-enact the theme again and again. And again. And again, but why would you?
To demonstrate that equation see here:
Subconscious Mind (Old Habit and Pattern) + Technique or Experience to bring forth the Subconscious habit to the Conscious Mind = Breaking Awareness.
Or better yet: SM + CM = A
All lives are simultaneous existing by the way. Past, Present and Future are all NOW, as science is slowly catching up with this.
And the NOW, is where YOUR power exist. Because you can transmute the past, with the new found love you have unearthed TODAY.
Many of the shadow aspects of your-self, is buried away in past lives, karma, and/or wedged in your current experiences.
And when you start to release this past karma, it can feel like the dark night of the soul, which I will get to later.
But picture a Sufi dancer, majestically disrobing her heavy garments, her ‘cloaks.’ So to say, until she reaches her fine cloth found in the center. Remember, it makes for a heck of a performance.
Shadow Work – According to Carl Jung:
Carl Jung, famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst coined the term – Shadow Work.
He also stated, “shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.” And you know what, I tend to agree. Understanding human psychology assist in loving all parts of the self.
From a spirituality standpoints, all parts of self or what I like to call, the ‘I AM,’ are projections from a single – Source. And these subdivided personalities or ‘personas’ of Self call it you, me and Bob are projections from a true self known in Hinduism as, Atman. Atman being, “Theessencethat is eternal,unchanging,andindistinguishablefromtheessence of theuniverse.” Given that you have free will of course, to play out your persona or personal identity as you please.
So we have the, ‘SELF.’ The persona or personality of you. The one places the mask on and plays her part in the collective ‘whole’ of the universe.
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
― Oscar Wilde
Then we have the ‘Ultimate SELF.’ The one without the persona or ego. The eternal you let’s call it.
Freud called it – Id. Ego and Superego. Carl Jung, who was Freud’s student, called it Ego, Personal Unconscious and Collective Unconscious.
The Yogi Masters of our time, called that which is beyond the Ego and ‘Self’ – ATMAN. And BRAHMAN – The ‘God Head,’ or the ‘Entire Cosmos and Universe.’ The ALL.
I bring these points before you today because it’s important to see how different aspects are categorized. It really doesn’t matter to get a concept, the transformation is in the experience, not the textbook. Though it helps in understanding.
With Jung, the shadow work may be unresolved issues in your childhood or past that, if they continue to go unresolved. May or will end up as unresolved projections towards others.
Things we don’t want to look at, embedded in the human psyche: Jealousy, envy, competitiveness, comparing, self doubt, controlling, playing the victim, and so forth. If these go unresolved, you play these out in themes or archetypes in your current life, until you break the pattern or cycle.
We all know people who don’t look at all aspects of their self, shadow included, and tend to ignore it. They only focus on the positive aspects of their nature. They are afraid of their own shadow and the gems that live there. Hence, they live their lives tip-toeing around their shadow because they are afraid of what they will find.
They are afraid that they are that, which they will find, when they are not.
Life has colors, and that’s how I tend to see it. Many stories in the 3D reality tend to play with the villain, the hero, the challenge, the climax story archetype.
Those who haven’t amalgamated their shadows and make peace with it – tend to repeat it.This is what we call in a spirituality context, individuals who keep on repeating the same old soul themes over and over again, until someone wakes them up from their vicious cycle and says, ‘SNAP OUT OF IT!’
The Dark Night of the Soul:
This is the night when your subconscious mind, bubbles up to the surface all that stuff = ‘shadow work,’ you don’t want to look at and it just purges that night. Full moons tend to bring this about or eclipses depending on where it falls. Like the shores to the sea, they tug on the elements and themes within you.
I have heard many tales from clients, that it feels like death. And honestly, it does. I’ve had several ‘dark nights of the soul,’ myself and all I can say is, you get over it. There was a funny meme online where everyone is screaming on the roller coaster expect for one woman. You’ve been there, done that. Next.
So how does the Dark Night of the soul feel like? Night sweets, anxiety, panic attacks. You name it.
It’s a spiritual purge of memories, negative thoughts, and negative patterns and belief systems bubbling up to the surface to be released. Don’t give it too much thought or analysis. Just let that s**t go.
Basically as you shift through this, it’s like lifting the weights off a hot air balloon and raising up to HR = Higher Realms.
I know these are hard topics to talk about, but hopefully, someone out there reading this, will read this and feel less alone or, “Hey, I went through one of those?” And maybe understand why all of a sudden, in a day or two, they feel the heavy weights being lifted like a balloon!
Honestly, I love this GIF. And would like to meet this woman one day, and run in our Sari’s down this alleyway yelling out blissful statements. But I digress.
Remember that with the dark night of the soul, ‘this too shall pass.’
Shadow Work Exercises:
Some of the basics, of Shadow work to raise your vibration are:
1) Self Acceptance & Unconditional Love:
Accept who you are, what you are, and most importantly where you’re going and who you are becoming.
People LOVE to sit and rotates on the past, and live in the past. They psychoanalyze it to death and I’m not for that.
Today we have new spiritual treatments where with a skilled Teacher, you can shift through those old patterns in a matter of meditations. Those who tend ignore their ‘work,’ tend to repeat it.
But those that accept it, as it is. Without judging it. Move through it a lot more quickly.
Hence, self acceptance.
It is not a part of your identity, it was an experience that shifted through to who you are TODAY. Today is what counts.
2) Bathtub and Salt Scrubs:
Honestly, it helps and your body intuitively knows what to do about this. People think a ‘Spiritual Awakening,’ is all unicorns and rainbows and it’s not. You go through your moments, you meet you demons, and you tell them to F**k off. It’s just that.
I have a Dissolve and Rise meditation with affirmations if you would like to print it out and take it with you in the bathtub for meditation.
Prep your bathtub. Clean it prior, fill it roses and flowers. These carry a high frequency. Especially roses. These are not cliches, they were turned into cliches by cynical people.
Also gather a nice scented candle. Dim the lights, and focus on your breath. Fill it with warm water and bath salts. Salts ‘extract’ remember.
Remember the full moon and tugging away. Well, allow the salts to tug away gently at your soul.
And just dip into the sea of your subconscious mind and let it go. Whatever life throws at you, as the saying goes, it wouldn’t have come your way if you couldn’t handle it. Now, you handled it.
3) Reiki and Body Work:
This really helps. I highly encourage people to work with a skilled Reiki Master or a RMT.
As you deal with a lot of upcoming and overflowing volcanic explosions of energy on Earth – Reiki and body work, massages, or anything of that nature, which can assist the energy to move through and out, to not to be ‘stuck’ within you, helps a lot.
The body remembers. The body has intelligence. Listen to your body, to help alleviate any past traumas or experiences you may have had, allow it ooze out of the pores of your body by just WITNESSING it. Don’t activate or re-live it, just re-lease it. And so it is.
I chatted with Farah Siddiq, Cosmic Reiki Master on my podcast Happy Freya, on shadow work, ancestral healing, and breaking your habits on things that no longer serve in this lifetime. I encourage you to have a listen.
4) Hypnotherapy and QHHT:
I chatted with Marilyn Dyke, a Level III Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner on my podcast of what QHHT technique is and how it helps people.
People have reversed life long conditions in the offices of talented QHHT Practitioner.
I visited her as she was my practitioner and so glad we did it. You never know what comes up from these sessions and what to expect as I shared in this Episode. All I know is that, it helped. A LOT.
Delores Cannon who founded the QHHT hypnosis, found all it can take is one session. She asked the subconscious part of the mind (SM) of her clients, as it revealed things – what the client was ready to see and what was relevant. After that, she asked the SM if what s/he has learned was learned, can the soul now move along his or her journey without having to experience this anymore.
And so it is, if the subconscious mind or some say, Oversoul twiddles it’s nose, like a Genie and passes yes towards the client. Especially if the clients has learned his or her lesson.
Remember my formula above?
SM + CM = Breaking Awareness. Now the client is aware to it, it breaks. Many practitioners of the metaphysical field know this!
5) Get out in Nature, Shut off the Tech:
Highly recommend this as in ‘unplugging’ from the virtual world, and ‘plugging into your HS,’ higher self. The Atman. The eternal you.
Not what some technocrats, designed as an artificial world for you to live in, but be in the harmonically of Source, that which is a part of you, designed in tune with the ever evolving, ever changing harmonics of you.
I highly implore you to get out of your head, get out of your house, and get back into the magnificent body that is you and go explore nature.
6) Dream Analysis and Spiritual Advisor:
Usually the subconscious mind, surfaces in your dreams through symbology or repeat dreams. It could come in the form of animals, or events. Places significant in your childhood or memories, and so forth.
I highly encourage people to seek out these resources and more. This list is in no way exhaustive of all that life has to offer in forms of assisting you transition more into who you really are. We haven’t even touched upon sound and color therapy yet! Which is a whole topic, in and of itself.
However, these soul-utions listed here, are heavy hitting solutions. They assist to elevate you to the next level and I hope you found it helpful.
If you need any assistance with any further questions. Please feel free to email and book a complimentary 15 minute session.
“Pam, what’s your spiritual practice?” As in what’s my morning routine to connect with the Divine Creator.
So, I decided to split this question into 3 Easy Steps: The Wake Up Call, The Washroom, The Exercise.
Now, please don’t run away if you see the word exercise. I don’t mean go out and jog for 30 minutes, but if you want too, that’s great.
For me, I mean a different kind of exercise, as in exercising your Mind, Body and Spirit. Hence, Spiritual Practice.
So let’s start off with the easy part.
The Wake Up Call!
Honestly, who does this? Use an Alarm clock to set a wake up call. Well, I used to, but not so much anymore. When you wake up, I suggest you set the INTERNAL ALARM CLOCK. Yes, it exist! And it works!
Basically, you say to yourself BEFORE YOU GO TO BED, whispering softly. Pam, wake up at 5AM tomorrow. And that’s it!
Picture an alarm clock within you, hand to chest, and say wake up at 5AM tomorrow and I swear, it works. Talk to your INNER BEING/ESSENCE.
Usually by doing this, you wake up at 5AM or just slightly before. If you FEEL better having an alarm clock by your side, ie — A phone. I suggest you put it on AIRPLANE MODE, WIFI OFF, and away from your head.
And yes, if you put your phone in Airplane mode, the alarm still goes off. So, you can use this as your ‘safety net,’ but trust me, you won’t need it. A simple battery powered clock may do by your bed side to confirm your time.
As part of the wake up routine, when your cosmic awareness settles back in your body again, after reconnecting with Source. Don’t just hustle out of bed, contrary to what many business folks say. Give thanks for being alive for another day! Creator kept you here on Earth, for a reason. If it was your time to go. You wouldn’t be reading this right now.
So this is what I mean by connecting with the eternity within you. That part of you that never dies. You’re here for another day, and how blessed are you!? Do something with your life to encourage one another. Give a smile today, it’s free! And it goes along way.
So before your feet touch the floor, say, “Thank you for another day.” And actually looking at your feet before they touch the floor helps you GROUND YOUR-SELF! Or, your ETERNAL-SELF, BACK INTO YOUR BODY.
Many people don’t want to be in their body. They want to fly around in the astral realm or detach from reality and even society. I say No. Don’t.
Connect with your magnificent body where each atom within you, is vibrating in excitement on you landing here.
2 — The Washroom.
What are you supplies? I’ll suggest my list!
Ayurvedic toothpaste, fluoride free. Brush your teeth and clean your nasal cavities. You can use a Neti-Pot if need be.
Tongue scraper (A must!) Every morning scrape your tongue and a re-mineralizing your teeth with a mouth wash.
Dry Body Brush (Scrub the dry, dead skin cells away.)
Body Massage Oil — Leave in for 20 minutes. Then wash. I do this, only 2/3 times per week as prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor. You can also do this before bed, as part of your evening relaxation treatment.
And the fun part, go to the Loo and clean your channels.
3 — The Exercise
I suggest doing this on an empty stomach. So your body doesn’t use your morning energy in digesting food. Eat AFTER your routine.
Now, I know people may not like this, but you have to move. Like, MOVE YOUR BODY!
We are living in a sedentary lifestyle at the moment. And honestly, it’s not good for your health being on the laptop or social media as much as we are. I know people say get out and stretch during working hours, but we must encourage more social interactions and engagements, by getting off our butts and interacting in person!
This part of the morning routine is VERY IMPORTANT. Don’t skip this.This step usually gets skipped of the three, and it should not.
Many people make excuses, with, ‘I don’t have time for this.’ And honestly, if you don’t have the hour in your day to do this, you need to change your lifestyle.
Scene from Gone with the Wind.
Frankly, if you can’t invest, 1 hour to yourself for the morning routine. Then you should audit your lifestyle. It basically means you don’t have an hour for yourself, meaning someone else, be it an organization or a person, is running your life. So seriously considering waking up earlier if need be.
Some suggestions, not all. That I recommend for the morning exercise portion of the routine are: Qigong, Yoga, or Surya Namaskar — known as Sun Salutations.
Any exercise that connects you with spirit, that incorporates MIND, BODY and SOUL practice is great for you and does wonders for your day!
Some people:
Chant in the mornings, back straight, posture upright. I personally say Hi to Father Sun in the mornings, I love connecting with the glowing, round orb of infinite energy to say hi, and it’s going to be a good day today (intention setting.)
A Qigong or Yoga practice that synchronizes breath, with your channels, with an actionable item — meaning movement! I take online Shaolin classes — where there are repetitions movements. And it’s meant to be in ORDER, to help clear the channels. The important thing here is that once the practice, becomes a HABIT — MIX it up! Because you are NO LONGER PRESENT when it becomes a habit. For example, there is one Qigong practice that my teacher uses for when you have one of ‘those’ days called, Alotment QiGong. In this exercise, you get all your, what I like to call — Uglies out. And by uglies, I mean stale air and energy, you literally shake that Qi off your body and aura.
Mix up your practice. NOT all at once. Then it’s too much information and too much stimulus. Build a BOND with your teacher and stop going for the ‘NEXT BEST THING which is very prevalent in society. Why? Because due to social media practices, and being bombarded with too much information — TMI, you have a fear of missing out — FOMO. This actually causes anxiety and stress, when you keep moving the goal post. There is no goal post, you’re going inner, not outer. You already won the makeshift race! But Pam! How will I learn new things? Dude, Bruce Lee studies one type of kick, 10,000 times! Not 10,000 things at once! So STOP DOING the 10,000 things! Join a club, be a part of a community, with like minded people, join a supportive environment and LEVEL UP in your PRACTICE OF CHOICE. Period.
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Bruce Lee, the man needs no introduction.
Now, you’re officially DONE your MORNING ROUTINE.
Make sure you eat healthy and right, according to your constitution. Some people have a light breakfast, or prepare the day before with a light yogurt or pudding to start. I make ladoo, little bites of energy balls or a tea in the morning with some rose jam.
Now, was that so bad?
Imagine following this self care practice everyday, and how different your interactions will be at work and at home.
You’re a completely changed person. More steady. More centered.More focused.And like a willow tree, you are unwavering in the wind.
SO, go build your tool-box with these resources I linked above. I don’t get paid for the links, I just love these teachers and highly recommend them.
This list of what to practice is by no means exhaustive. Everyone has, his/her own niche or preference and they change from time to time.
I’m merely demonstrating the structure in which you a-lot your weapon of choice to kick start your day.
The following is an account of a very strange day I had when asked by a friend, how my nose was doing after many sneezes. Again. I can neither confirm nor deny this information as I leave that to your better judgement to decipher what is true for you. Good day.