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Water Meditation 

Take the parts you that you want to throw away.

The parts of that you don’t love.

And send love there anyway.

Take the parts of you that you work hardest on.

The parts of you that you despise the most.

And send love there anyway.

All bits of you are welcome here.

All parts of you are light.

Refracted in a prism we call life.

Take the parts of you that were held in shadow,

Send light through to them anyway.

And when you speak,

May you speak your highest truth.

Head to the nearest stream like my Aaja (Grandpa) did once before.

And go meditate there with all of you.

Wash both your hands in the nearest stream.

And say, may these hands create love, joy and laughter.

Allow it to wash over you.

Splash the water on your face.

Smile while doing so.

Raise your hands in front of your face.

Like a morning salute to the Sun.

Celebrating all of you as you wash the water across your lips say:

May I have the bravery and courage to speak my truth.

Wash it over your eyelids and say:

May I have the courage and bravery to see all it is that I need to see.

And act upon my highest excitement and truth.

Wash it over the temples on your head and say:

May my thoughts be pure and true.

May I think kind and loving thoughts towards my-self and others.

That which is not kindness, I give space too.

Wash the water over your third eye like a Bindi dot and say:

May I see all it is that I need to see.

May I awaken and acknowledge the God or Infinity

within me and others.

May I awaken my own inner master.

My own healer.

My own loving kindness.

Wash it over your outer ears and say:

May I hear loving kindness all around me and that which is not.

May I give space to for it is not me. 

Place the water and gently wash your throat chakra and say:

May I speak my truth

Even though at times it may hurt others,

that is not the intention.

Clarity, is and always will be, the intention to set myself and all others free.

Place your fingers over your heart.

And hear your heart beat and say:

May I acknowledge the God/Infinity within me.

May I acknowledge the God/Infinity within others.

May those who are pivotal and profound for my inner spiritual growth find me and allow us to grow together in love.

Remember this (the heart) is where you can tap into that

Eternal Abundant Stream.

That which is JOY, is YOU. Infinity.

In the finite, BE.

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