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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®

Glad you decided to venture onto the magical path of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. So…

What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ( QHHT® ), is a revolutionary technique developed by world renowned hypnotherapist author and teacher Dolores Cannon.

This technique takes you beyond the usual past life regression and into a place where clarity, understanding and healing can be found by speaking to that part of you that really does know the answer to every question……your Higher Self. It is a technique she has perfected for over 45 plus year as a hypnotherapist. 

What will it be like?

When you first arrive, we will get to know one another.

During this time, I want to hear about your life, all the good stuff – and not so good, and everything in-between. We all go through our personal growth spurts in life, our challenges and triumphs, either way. You made it out here today, and your soul has made a triumphant journey here on Earth, to live to tell the tale.

That’s what I want to hear, your story. Your hero’s journey.

After we go through your life story, you being the lead actor or actress of your play, we will go through your list of questions that you will be asked to bring prior to your session.

All you have to during the QHHT session, is relax. It’s what the great inventors did past us, prior to a great discovery. They relaxed and allow their mind to ascend to what we call, the HS – higher self.

We are truly tapping into your higher self to reach in and pull out those gems hidden inside of you, the answers are truly within. I’m just the facilitator of that.

During the entire experience, I will be right there with you asking questions to which you will reply with the very first thing that you see, feel, hear or simply know, the very first thing is always the correct answer!

An important part of QHHT is when I speak to your Higher Self. This part of you knows exactly what it wants to bring to your attention, in a way that is most perfect for you to experience. 

As the session comes to a close, I will carefully bring you back to full wakefulness, feeling refreshed and wonderful. You may feel as though you have remembered every detail, but just as with a dream, most find the memory fading but there is no need to remember everything anyway.  

I will give you a recording of your session to take home and review at any time.

In fact, by listening to your recording over and over again you will gain insights that you may not have noticed while in session.

Time to shine bright my darlings.

“When you follow your bliss, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you.”

—Joseph Campbell


How long are the sessions?

QHHT® sessions should be a minimum of four to five hours. This time includes an interview, the hypnosis experience and time afterwards to discuss your session.

Does it have to be done in person, can’t we do it over Skype, phone or remotely?

QHHT® sessions should never be done via Skype, phone or remotely. A proper QHHT session should only be done in person with a trained QHHT® practitioner.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is simply relaxation and relaxation is effortless. In fact it is a natural state we all slip into many times during our daily life without even noticing it.  It is impossible not to be in a deeper state of consciousness when you close your eyes and relax. By letting go, and allowing the relaxation to flow, you naturally deepen to a place where great wisdom and unlimited potential is accessed. Remember, you won’t be doing anything that you don’t naturally do with ease already.  In fact, relaxation is such a familiar state you probably won’t feel any different than when you relax normally.

What should I expect?

Your session will be absolutely unique to you. Never know what your Higher Self will deem appropriate for you to see in the here and now. So, best to leave all expectations at the door.

Is QHHT for everyone?

QHHT works on everyone, except those who suffer from schizophrenia or MPD.

How much is the session?

Voluntary by donation only, at the moment. This is subject to change at any given time. I am not a registered charity, therefore, no tax donations are given.

How long are the sessions?

QHHT® sessions should be a minimum of four to five hours. This time includes an interview, the hypnosis experience and time afterwards to discuss your session.

Does it have to be done in person, can’t we do it over Skype, phone or remotely?

QHHT® sessions should never be done via Skype, phone or remotely. A proper QHHT session should only be done in person with a trained QHHT® practitioner.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is simply relaxation and relaxation is effortless. In fact it is a natural state we all slip into many times during our daily life without even noticing it.  It is impossible not to be in a deeper state of consciousness when you close your eyes and relax. By letting go, and allowing the relaxation to flow, you naturally deepen to a place where great wisdom and unlimited potential is accessed. Remember, you won’t be doing anything that you don’t naturally do with ease already.  In fact, relaxation is such a familiar state you probably won’t feel any different than when you relax normally.

What should I expect?

Your session will be absolutely unique to you. You can have a past life of a caveman, to being a fairy in a forest. Or maybe you were considered a witch during the inquisition. Never know what your Higher Self will deem appropriate for you to see in the here and now. So, best to leave all expectations at the door.

Is QHHT for everyone?

QHHT works on everyone, except those who suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar or MPD.

How much is the session?

Voluntary by donation only, at the moment. This is subject to change at any given time. I am not a registered charity, therefore, no tax donations are given.
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