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Welcome to the world of activating your senses!


So, what exactly is a Synthesia?

A Synesthesia, is someone who uses their OTHER SENSES, to detect….another sense. Is that clear as mud?

Well, alright then!

Let’s just work it out with an example, shall we.

Are you familiar with Lorde?

The singer who received two Grammy Awards for her single Royals? Well she has Synthesia!

She says, she…’sees notes!’ YUP, you heard me right. She has, sound-to-colour synthesia!

Meaning, she SEES NOTES AS COLOURS! So she SEES specific notes she plays!

“When we first started Tennis Court we just had that pad playing the chords, and it was the worst textured tan colour, like really dated, and it made me feel sick, and then we figured out that pre chorus and I started the lyric and the song changed to all these incredible greens overnight!!!” — Lorde

So, why are you just using 1 sense, to experience life?

What does blue taste like?

Does it have a temperature?

SEE. HEAR. TASTE. TOUCH. SOUND. And well…more ?

If you can see colours fly through notes, is it too pink? Too yellow? Perhaps you need to splash your canvas more!

I learned from Nicky, that sound, takes over all your physical senses. Try it, you go for a walk and say you see a bear! In the distance, but behind you, you hear a huff! And a shot gun roars, which sense took over?

The gun, of course!

Sound travels faster. Like the speed of light! Which by the way, there are other things that travel faster than light! But, I digress.

On Feb 19th, I am launching a program for Superheroes.

To start opening up these gifts, such as Lorde’s Synthesia, more to the public.

My challenge to you and the rest of the world.

Is that these are not gifts you have to be born with, no! You can be taught!

Like anything, you just have to believe in you as much as I do.

Whether you see colors as EMOTIONS, and see auras around people!

I am here to help train you to read them!

To celebrate you and your unique gift, and how we can help you utilize it to turn your everyday life into an Extraordinary life!

So in just 2 days! FEB 19th 2018! We are about to LAUNCH, SUPERHEROES INTO SPACE! And I am going to open up, my bag of tricks, found in my silver case, for the world to see! Or…my clients ?

With unwavering Love,


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